🎙️ The latest episode of the Renaissance Man podcast is out. This time we’re attempting to figure out what an MBA program based on my Dad’s career would look like. How does one found, much less sustain a non-profit choral arts organization for 55+ years? (Also streaming on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn, and Amazon.)
Another trip around the sun, completed.
Yesterday I celebrated the arrival of my 57th year with a lovely sinus cold, grateful for the miracle that is modern medicine.
In addition to chocolate cake with buttercream frosting I am also grateful for the following:
The 271 of you who subscribe to this newsletter. Thanks for your encouragement. Especially when you send a comment.
This wildly creative era in which we live. So many twists and turns, so much culture and technology to grasp then find ways to leverage it all.
The opportunity to teach—and the supportive staff and leadership at MCAD and its Creative Entrepreneurship program. In every instance it is an experiment, an adventure, and you never know what lands or has impact until much later. But what a thrill to engage with curious people.
All of my patient marketing, AI and advertising clients.
The vibrant community of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Books read in the past year including Co-Intelligence by Ethan Mollick (reminder: we’re discussing this one tomorrow at 2:00pm CST—you can join us!), Burn Book by Kara Swisher, Several short sentences about writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg, If You Want To Write by Brenda Ueland, Draft No. 4 by John McPhee, Dreyer’s English by Benjamin Dreyer, The Song of Significance by Seth Godin, This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Maks Gladstone, and The Big Goodbye by Sam Wasson.
Newsletters written by Bob Lefsetz, Greg Swan, Seth Godin, Nora McInerny, Matt Levine, Ann Handley, Ashley Rutstein, Rick Webb, Benedict Evans, Charlotte Clymer, Rishad Tobaccowala, Rosie & Faris, Noah Smith, Neil Perkin, and the seemingly endless supply of AI-focused content from The Neuron, Bot Eat Brain, AI Tool Report, and AI Secret.
My close friends who keep me on my toes.
All of us practicing sobriety.
And most important: My family who nurtures and challenges in equal measure.